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Canon 8-64 Zoom

t2.4 PL mount

$ 55.00 to $ 125.00

Canon 8-64 Zoom Lens
Canon 8-64 Zoom Lens
Canon 8-64 Zoom Lens
Canon 8-64 Zoom Lens
Commonly known as the “Hurt Locker” lens, the s16 8-64 is Canon glass at it’s best: extremely robust, incredibly reliable and consistent from end-to-end. Being able to throw a single lens on a camera and just “go” makes a day shoot or even a commercial short cruise; no need for a swing-away mattebox, no hunting for donuts, no time lost jumping from prime to prime. There is a reason these were the workhorses of 90’s TV: tight schedules, antsy talent, timecode jamming between mags, sudden cloud patches… …anything can turn a cake shoot into a hectic scramble, so turning one variable into a constant makes a big difference. Contrast-ier at the barrel end with a predictably tapered fall-off, this super versatile lens on lets A Cam go from wide to medium from the same mark, while also letting B Cam grab inserts or b-roll. And being able to go from t2.4 to COMPLETELY closed means that you can salvage a shot when the ND’s are lost in the bottom of the bag. We’ve shot whole features on this lens and wouldn’t feel the slightest pinch recommending the same to anyone else. If you’ve been playing around with 70s and 80s Cooke, Angenieux or Zeiss 16mm zooms, this is a huge step up. It’s no Alura or Optimo Rouge Zoom, but at 1/4 the price for a daily rental, it’s pretty darn tough to beat. Ours comes with a Chrosziel support, so you can rest easy that the weight isn’t going to buckle your lens mount or bust your back. Easy for you, easy for us.
• 8-64mm: t2.4-t22 (down to CLOSED)• CLOSE FOCUS: 22” (15” from end of lens)
• Canon 8-64mm t2.4 Zoom Lens • Chrosziel Zoom Support

Canon 8-64 Zoom

t2.4 PL mount

$ 55.00 to $ 125.00

Commonly known as the “Hurt Locker” lens, the s16 8-64 is Canon glass at it’s best: extremely robust, incredibly reliable and consistent from end-to-end. Being able to throw a single lens on a camera and just “go” makes a day shoot or even a commercial short cruise; no need for a swing-away mattebox, no hunting for donuts, no time lost jumping from prime to prime. There is a reason these were the workhorses of 90’s TV: tight schedules, antsy talent, timecode jamming between mags, sudden cloud patches… …anything can turn a cake shoot into a hectic scramble, so turning one variable into a constant makes a big difference. Contrast-ier at the barrel end with a predictably tapered fall-off, this super versatile lens on lets A Cam go from wide to medium from the same mark, while also letting B Cam grab inserts or b-roll. And being able to go from t2.4 to COMPLETELY closed means that you can salvage a shot when the ND’s are lost in the bottom of the bag. We’ve shot whole features on this lens and wouldn’t feel the slightest pinch recommending the same to anyone else. If you’ve been playing around with 70s and 80s Cooke, Angenieux or Zeiss 16mm zooms, this is a huge step up. It’s no Alura or Optimo Rouge Zoom, but at 1/4 the price for a daily rental, it’s pretty darn tough to beat. Ours comes with a Chrosziel support, so you can rest easy that the weight isn’t going to buckle your lens mount or bust your back. Easy for you, easy for us.
• 8-64mm: t2.4-t22 (down to CLOSED)• CLOSE FOCUS: 22” (15” from end of lens)
• Canon 8-64mm t2.4 Zoom Lens • Chrosziel Zoom Support